Too blessed for our own good
Was struck by a conversation mom had today, talking about her sunday school students and how their attendence would be quite erratic.
Couldn't help my link that to my own experience as a co-leader in bible study. Hearing mom's frustration as she always follow through all the lessons with her students made me realise and appreciate how willing the people in OCF were to study God's word. The fact that they came back week after week, gave up their precious friday nights just to listen to and discuss the studies was something that shouldn't be taken for granted. Hopefully they left with a better understanding and weren't further confused by the leaders. :P
I recall my own apathy towards bible study back when I was a teenager. Every sunday the room would be filled with kids who just didn't give a hoot and were there probably because their parents had dragged them to church. For myself I don't think i've ever had to struggle for anything in this life (yes i'll admit to being spoilt)... hearing about how we'd received the gift of salvation so freely just seemed like getting 'just another thing'. Isn't it sad though that so many hear it and like myself wander aimlessly for so many years before it all finally make sense? Or rather, isn't it wonderful that after wandering aimlessly it finally all makes sense!
Thank God for His patience and mercy.
Couldn't help my link that to my own experience as a co-leader in bible study. Hearing mom's frustration as she always follow through all the lessons with her students made me realise and appreciate how willing the people in OCF were to study God's word. The fact that they came back week after week, gave up their precious friday nights just to listen to and discuss the studies was something that shouldn't be taken for granted. Hopefully they left with a better understanding and weren't further confused by the leaders. :P
I recall my own apathy towards bible study back when I was a teenager. Every sunday the room would be filled with kids who just didn't give a hoot and were there probably because their parents had dragged them to church. For myself I don't think i've ever had to struggle for anything in this life (yes i'll admit to being spoilt)... hearing about how we'd received the gift of salvation so freely just seemed like getting 'just another thing'. Isn't it sad though that so many hear it and like myself wander aimlessly for so many years before it all finally make sense? Or rather, isn't it wonderful that after wandering aimlessly it finally all makes sense!
Thank God for His patience and mercy.
I just find the third paragraph so eerily familiar. But why am I still taking things for granted? I think deep down inside I want to go through a great pain in my life to understand what everything they have been telling me in church is all about. Please pray for me.
Warren, at 10:41 PM
will do man, I don't think you need a really painful experience to understand... I didn't either... but it'll be no less impactful when you go through it. :)
phtzethl1, at 9:01 PM
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