Well, i guess it's harder for a rich person to deal with becoming poor because that person has to deal with having lots in the beginning and then losing a lot in the end. On the other hand, the poor person wouldn't really have to deal with anything cause he/she is getting more that what he/she started with. Oh well, this is just from one point of view.
It's kinda rhetorical so there's probably never going to be a satisfying answer. But I feel that depending on the person it can swing either way for both the rich or the poor. A rich person might be humbled from losing it all and then really appreciate life again and a poor person might become so bogged down by the new 'responsibilities' of having money to spare.
Well, i guess it's harder for a rich person to deal with becoming poor because that person has to deal with having lots in the beginning and then losing a lot in the end. On the other hand, the poor person wouldn't really have to deal with anything cause he/she is getting more that what he/she started with. Oh well, this is just from one point of view.
Percival Wong, at 1:17 AM
It's kinda rhetorical so there's probably never going to be a satisfying answer. But I feel that depending on the person it can swing either way for both the rich or the poor. A rich person might be humbled from losing it all and then really appreciate life again and a poor person might become so bogged down by the new 'responsibilities' of having money to spare.
phtzethl1, at 11:53 AM
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