the B@tE Series

Saturday, January 21, 2006


ahh... i love it when i meet up with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ

sure i know there's usually no big diff between a gathering of Christ followers and secular friends... we sit around and talk about what everyone else talks about: life, love, problems with the world, our struggles etc... sometimes we really do grumble a lot too, to one another, or we pour our hearts out with even more gusto, coz, in general 'Christians' are nice people right? People who won't backstab us or make use of the info we've divulged to blackmail us in the future. hmmmm

But having said that, there's something fundamentally different about a Christ follower... a faith-believer and doer.

He/She knows that a holy and mighty God, out of love for all mankind, sent His most precious Son to die for all a most cruel death. So that we might be able to be reconciled to Him and be called children of God. And everything we go through in life can be measured against that act.

A life has been given, blood spilt cruelly for us, that we might be free... how then do we go into the world and still tussle over such small things, the insignificant things that bind us up?

And that's the thing that tempers our conversations as brothers and sisters... united in the common knowledge of what our Lord has done for us. And there's a great joy that we share, something so focused and so intensely illuminating that it gives us peace in the darkest nights and fiercest storms. A joy that must be shared with the world and all who would seek the Lord sincerely.

there's is great joy in meeting with friends, but when there is something more eternal and more beautiful that binds the friendship and blesses the gathering - that is what sets us apart. To be united in praise for our God and growing in faith as one body... surely that is a glimpse of heaven.


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