the B@tE Series

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

something serious

I read this in a bible study class and it makes loads of sense to me. With regards to prophecy in the bible, more accurately, interpretation of prophecy:

"a popular phrase heard in Christian circles, seen in Christian publications and spoken in church pulpits is: " It depends on how you interpret prophecy."

Bible teaching does not stand or fall upong the "interpretation" of prophetic Scripture. Prophecies should not be interpreted. The question is not one of "interpretation;" the question, when it comes to prophecy is "Has there been fulfillment?"

The church ought not to have been trying to predict or determin future events. The consistency in which she has been wrong has undermined, even further, her credibility with an unbelieving world. Predictions are made concerning future events based on "interpretations" of prophetic Scriptures. Multitudes of books have been written concerning " End Times" and how and when prophecy will be fulfilled. Sadly, most of those books quickly proved to be dismally wrong in their predictions. Yes, God is certainly able give revelation on future prophetic events, but results thus far show God has not been the author of "interpretations," and a famine in revelation is all too apparent. Every Christian has a mandate to discern the times he lives in, but interpreting the future is an area in which Christians should fear to tread.

As a general rule Biblical prophecy is not recognised until after the fulfillment has taken place, or during the actual fulfilling itself.

I can't help but agree with this because i feel people are so often preoccupied with looking and trying to predict the future that they hardly take time to realise what IS going on right now around us.


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