the B@tE Series

Friday, February 04, 2005

Spending time with fathers..

The question was simple...

have you waited on the Lord... have you spent time in prayer with Him?

made me think.

Prayer is essentially speaking to God... asking Him for His favour, blessing, telling Him what's on your mind etc.

Thought about how it in comparison to my own relationship with my dad. Do I purposely make time to speak to and share my day and concerns with my father? Do I ask him about his concerns? Am I genuinely concerned about them? Do I ask him what he wants of me? Do I do my earthly duties as a son to him out of love?

I'm not sure I can answer all those questions with a yes... but it's put my own walk with God in perspective. Indeed it helps to have a right relationship with your own dad... though it's by no means a requirement. ;)


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